Sunday, September 19, 2010

Arrr me hearties! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Avast me mateys, Talk Like A Pirate Day is upon us. Scallywags and wenches from near and far be gatherin. Landlubbers put on their sea legs for a single turn o the hour glass to celebrate our proud pastafarian history. If ye be havin trouble with yer speech, head over to Cap'n Slappy and 'Ol Chumbucket fer a few lessons. In the meantime, enjoy some portraits I be hoistin of this fair beauty (which happens to be me), taken by me very own Cap'n Calvin- who does in deed have a hornpipe in his pocket and is indeed happy to see me! Now go celebrate the day at a grogfest or with ye playful galley wenches (or lads).


Anonymous said...

What a great look! Makes me wish every day was Pirate Day! :)


Calvin Spealman said...

I'd love to plunder your treasure!