Thursday, September 13, 2007

I recently got a new computer and had to reinstall kubuntu and thus had to reinstall stumble upon. this is a little button on your toolbar that your click and it takes you to a random page with a topic that you're interested in. One topic that I had picked is feminism. No, not the crazy man hating kind, but the women are people too kind, ya know? anyway, it took me to this site, i highly recommend it. I subscribed to the RSS feed and i hardly ever do that. Anyway, at the very bottom i came across an article about using normally sized women in magazines. One magazine decided to actually do this. this is the model he used

size 12 model Lauren Moller

he used this model for the cover of his swimwear segment. he had to use a south african model after his usual UK agency told him they were unable to provide a size 12 model as they consider this a 'plus size'.

That is so incredibly ridiculous to think of. No one, man or woman would think of her as plus sized. Many models that would be considered normal weight or perfect weight by a modelling agency are horribly underweight. It's a known fact that many models suffer from eating disorders and some have actually died of starvation. This Model,l size 0, recently died of just that cause.

we need to get it together people. I'm a huge believer in nudity. I think everyone should be nudists. And those of you who say, no way, we don't want to see some of those people naked. well, your attitude just fuels the views that the perfect woman is a size zero and starving to death.