Monday, December 03, 2007

who wears short shorts?

Your 10 year old, that's who! Nair has come out with a new product called Nair Pretty, targeted at little girls between the ages of 10 and 15. "Because Pretty isn't a look, it's a feeling" is their slogan. According to the Q&A section " application is simple and removing hair (especially in hard-to-reach areas) is a snap! " excuse me? what hard to reach areas should a child just hitting puberty be removing hair from? Can someone explain to me WHY a ten year old needs to have a nice smooth hooha?

As if the world of pre pubescent beauty pageants weren't bad enough, perpetuating an image of your sweet little daughter as a grown up sex symbol. What mother in her right mind would encourage her daughter to use this product? The last thing we need in today's sex driven male society is somebody telling out daughters how unnatural body hair is and how ashamed they should be. My guess is the same women who are applying caustic chemicals to their child's hooha are the same ones dressing them in skimpy outfits and putting makeup on them. Is it any wonder that ramsy girl was raped and killed? It's like begging pedophiles to come and have a go at your kid.

Look at this kid to the left? How old is she? five? How old does she look? Fifteen? I could do a whole series of blogs about beauty pageant moms and the damage they're inflicting on their children, but this blog is only for Nair, which I am now boycotting.

“So you’re at an age when the childhood fuzz is becoming thicker and coarser hair. It’s time to give some serious thought to removing it.” One question: Why? When we were ten (i'm 22 now) I wasn't even thinking about body hair! Boys were still icky and had cooties! Ten years old is fifth grade.. not even out of grade school and already worrying about what'll happen if some boy wants to feel their "radiantly smooth legs" (quote from the Nair site) and they find *gasp* hair!

Everywhere our children look these days they see sex (pageants, bratz, media, and other kids to name a few), do we really need to make it worse by assuring them that they can be as smooth as all the beautiful people in cosmo girl magazine which gave this product the "kiss of approval". Seriously.. how sexy do you want your little girl to be?

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